Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 - Where has the time gone?

Again, no actual stitching but the "studio" looks a bit different. I've mounted 2 pieces of pegboard to the walls, 2 more to go. This will give me roughly 12' x 2' of pegboard throughout the room and allow me to have more tools within arms reach of the sewing area. Next I need to decide on a larger work surface. I have a large set of shelves in the room and could stash a table (or collapsible saw horses with covered plywood/mdf) behind them. More thought needed on this, but considering I don't have anything big enough to put on a large surface, I've got time to make that decision.

Off to mount the remainder of the pegboard.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Day 1 of the the Getting Down 2009 goal is here. I spent hours yesterday washing and ironing fabric, trying to sort and get ready for the new year. Now I have the desire to organize a few other areas of my household and life, but am fighting the feeling. One thing at a time!

Looking at all the fabric has made me wonder why I bought some of it. There must have been a plan, right? I'm definitely attached to many of the patterns/colors. I'm sure I thought at the time I bought it, "buy it, you love it, and the right pattern will come along." No reason to question it all. Just need to remember:

1. No buying fabric in 2009, unless I need to back a project.
2. No adding new projects in 2009.
3. Spend 4 hours a week working on the stash.
4. Get up and move it!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Spent the last few hours washing and ironing fabric that had an unfortunate encounter with a napping cat. The cat is still eyeing the stash but it's above his reach now.
Well here it is, the last day of 2008. In just a few hours, my 2009 Goal begins. I will wait until then to post a picture of my "studio" - where the organizing tornado has struck.
  • Rearrange, regroup, put it back, maybe not
  • Do I need more shelves or containers?
  • Do I want to look out the window when I sit at the sewing machine?
  • Are the tools in the best place?
  • Have I removed the distractions and left the inspirations?
  • Every item should have a anything homeless?

OK, time to stop typing and finish the cleanup - stitching begins tomorrow.